children’s discovery museum

sparking curiosity about the
natural world

Concerned about the lack of opportunity in our densely urban environment for families to explore nature, The Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose is building a new nature play space that will help inspire the South Bay’s diverse children and their families to love natural places. Bill’s Backyard will be a 27,500 square foot outdoor addition to the very popular Children’s Museum, and will provide a bridge to nature where children can explore and learn that their actions make a difference in the natural world.

L Studio worked with museum leaders to create an identity for this new outdoor learning environment and to develop a campaign package to help raise the funds needed to complete the construction of Bill’s Backyard.


Design of a new identity for Bill’s Backyard that captures the experiences and opportunities for discovery that will be made available to children in this outdoor learning environment.

brand style guide

Design of a style guide that extends the identity into a system of design elements that can be used for the branding of Bill’s Backyard in print and digital applications as well as on site.

fundraising package

Design of a 6-panel fold out poster that describes the plans for Bill’s Backyard and outlines the opportunities for funding.